Brown Hairstreak butterfly eggs on blackthorn twigs where they overwinter.
We are aiming to finish the brushcutting on the open areas that we worked on in November and December, and undertake some tree work to reduce the birch and willow trees that are shading the open grassland areas.
This is a fascinating area of former gravel pits now flooded and heavily vegetated where there is a very good bird and insect fauna. We have been helping with the management work there for the last few years working with the local volunteers and the aggregates company (which has just finished digging out the last of the gravel from other areas of the site). We will need registered chainsaw and brushcutter operators in addition to handtool users and haulers.
Meet at 9.30am at the point shown on the google map – the main haul road has been dug up now that the gravel working activities are finished, so we are going to meet in the carpark at the entrance of the gravel company HQ.
Bring lunch, your own refreshments and working gloves.
Let me know if you need or can offer a lift.
It would help us to know in advance if you are planning to attend this task, please let me know.