EuCAN is a Community Interest Company (CIC) working in the UK and other countries of Europe to involve more people and communities in the conservation management of their local environment, by providing training and practical experience for young graduates, potential volunteers and contractors and therapeutic groups, in nature conservation and in sustainable land management.
We are planning to finish the job of cutting and raking up the area of the coarse vegetation on the western side of the reserve - an annual task.
Read more >We will be continuing our programme of work at Broadcroft Quarry, working on scrub regrowth, clematis and bramble.
Read more >There will be plenty of routine maintenance tasks to do - clearing the paths, repairing fences, the annual brushcutting round the ponds etc.
Read more >We will be continuing our task of reducing the bramble and thorn scrub on the reserve
Read more >This had been an open grassland area for hundreds of years but had become scrubbed over and the grass very rank.
Read more >The aim today is to cut and/or winch out some of the mature Buddleia bushes that are taking over a lot of the banks on this site.
Read more >We shall be cutting part of the upper Terraces area and removing the biomass
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