Our task will be to clear the grassland areas with brushcutters and remove the arisings. We did this same job several years ago and the improvement in the floweriness of the habitat has been very noticeable.
Meet in the carpark at 9.30am on Tuesday, 9am on the Wednesday.
Phone me on 07981.776767 if you cannot find us, though the signal is poor in the wood.
We will provide the tools for the work, but please bring your own mug and refreshments, your packed lunch with you – and working gloves. If you can offer a lift or need one, contact me in advance of the task (07981.776767 or email: nigelspring@yahoo.co.uk ). It may be possible to arrange something.
If you are a chainsaw or brushcutter user, you will need your own PPE and you should have attended a refresher course in the last five years.
It would help with the planning if you could let me know if you plan to join us.