Our partners in Ždánice in the Czech republic have recently opened a nature trail around Butterfly Valley, the site we worked on in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Local NGO Daphne have set up interpretation boards in the valley and published an English language leaflet to guide tourists around the trail. The trail was officially opened last month at a EuCAN-supported event in the town.
Our friend Zuzka tells us that the day was a huge success with more than 600 visitors to the Open Day celebrations. Thanks to EuCAN’s contribution, the Town Council and the NGO Daphne Cz were able to prepare an incredibly rich programme with many activities and souvenir presents for the visitors to take home. The Fairytale Woodland Walk attracted children from all over the region – it started in Ždánice town, went through the forest and ended in the ‘Butterfly’ valley where there was a market of local products, beer and sausages, goats and sheep, a playground with face-painting, fire engines, a singing competition, a barbecue and balloons for the children, as well as walks to see the flowers, butterflies and other wildlife. It was a great party!