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While away your hours of lockdown!

Here is another way of spending your days during the present crisis! Warning: these links to nature can be highly addictive! (nothing like as good as the real thing but definitely an improvement on re-runs of Jurassic Park or Harrison Ford movies!)

Our friends in Estonia have given us the links to several wildlife webcams. They include nestcams for Black Storks, Ospreys, Golden Eagle and Greater Spotted Eagle, a camera watching a lekking site for the amazing Capercaillie (Metsis in Estonian), another watching part of the Altaguse Forest – where they picked up a Brown Bear wandering by (you might have to wait a long time for the next one!), a camera filming hibernating Pond Bats, and another on a beach with Atlantic Grey Seals and their young. All supremely entertaining!


Black Stork. Photo: Tambako the Jaguar (Creative Commons)

This is the link:

In addition, there is a very entertaining, equally gripping and potentially timewasting webcam from NW Poland over a Black Storks’ nest:

and a Woodland Trust webcam on a pair of Ospreys on their nest in the Loch Arkaig area of Scotland.

More – click on the links:

Glaslyn Ospreys

The Dyfi Ospreys in Wales

Kittiwakes nesting on a building (the live Abernethy Osprey cam is offline)

Poole Harbour Osprey cam (if the birds return to breed, this will be the first time on the south coast for 200 years!)

Birdfeeder in Panama (amazing birds, mammals and insects including during the night!)

Barn Owl webcam on a nestbox at Lorton Meadows reserve in Weymouth

Edinburgh Zoo Penguin cam (I can’t make the sound work…)

Sculthorpe Moor Tawny Owl nestbox

Bath Abbey Peregrine nest

Norwich Cathedral Peregrines

Somerset Levels Barn Owl box

Polish Ospreys from Puszcza Barlinecka

Latvian Eagle Owl nestcam (seems to be empty!)

White Stork’s nestcam, Suwalki, eastern Poland

Osprey webcam from Poland Napiwodzko – Ramucka

Barred Owl Nestcam N.America Cornell Lab

Red-footed Falcon, Hungary

Black Stork, Hungary

Collared Flycatchers, Hungary

Saker Falcon, Hungary (on a very windy pylon!)

and this claims to be a link to 553 webcams! Bird Webcam collection.

and totally different: a camera on a fish channel on a dam on the River Tisza in Hungary

Don’t forget to turn on the sound to hear all the natural sounds including amazing birdsong on some of them. Some of the sound systems do not seem to be working…

PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU COME ACROSS ANY OTHER GREAT WEBCAMS LIKE THESE. I will send out the information to our other supporters.