Following the success of the first workshop in Somerset earlier this year, which attracted 38 delegates from 9 countries, Forum Synergies in partnership with Ibar held the second workshop in Western Serbia November 10th – 13th 2016. To read the report from the first workshop, click here.
The main objectives were to discuss and define main recommendations about
1.the condition of forests in the Balkan region and the policies and actions needed to achieve sustainable forest management in that region.
2.the development of small forests managed by private owners (with special attention on existed experience in ex-Yugoslavia, ex-socialist countries from East and Central Europe and EU countries),
3.sustainable forest management in protected areas and
4.sustainable development of mountain communities based on forestry and activities linked to forests. produce a report on the workshop proceedings, in a form which builds upon and complements the report on the first workshop, with recommendations for policy and action.