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European Butterflies Group visit to Belarus August 2018

There is still one place left on the EBG visit with Mike Williams to survey for the critically endangered Danube Clouded Yellow and other Eastern European specialities in Belarus, 6 – 13 August 2018. This should be a fantastic opportunity to see one of the most fascinating and least known countries in Europe and to enjoy many butterfly species which are extremely scarce in western Europe. The trip may prove of high significance in securing the future of C. myrmidone in Europe, complementing all of European Butterflies Group’s great efforts in Romania.


Danube Clouded Yellow  Colias myrmidone

In 2016 a group of mainly Butterfly Conservation, European Butterflies Group members went to Belarus to search out butterflies. As far as we know, this was the first time a group from the UK had visited Belarus specifically for butterflies and it was a great success with close to 70 species being seen including a number of species generally scarce in western Europe. Perhaps the most interesting discovery, however, was a site in the south-east of the country where the Danube Clouded Yellow is still found. Colias mymidone is considered to be one of the most critically endangered species in all of Europe.

Based on the experience of 2016, we have decided to return to Belarus in 2018, but to time our visit to coincide with when the second generation of Danube Clouded Yellow is on the wing and to undertake a thorough survey of known locations. It is thought that there may be still 6-7 locations within south-eastern Belarus where this species still occurs and, if this is still the case, then Belarus may well need to be viewed as one of the last remaining strongholds for this species in all of Europe. We hope that, through our work, we can raise the profile of this species with Belarus authorities and help to assist in the protection and conservation of surviving sites.

For further information about this visit, look at this pdf.

For further information about the European Butterflies Group, click here.