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EuCAN moves into the charcoal business

Steve and Gill Betts have very generously donated a 6ft diameter steel charcoal kiln for EuCAN to use with trainees and groups in Dorset and Somerset. We have access to a considerable tonnage of seasoned logs and smaller wood from our projects, and intend to convert some of this into charcoal and/or parbaked logs which burn much more efficiently that normally seasoned firewood. It is a skill we would very much like to develop and share – please get in touch if you would be interested in becoming involved in this enterprise. The kiln will hold 2.5 cubic metres of logs.

The kiln was collected from Steve and Gill’s wood in Herefordshire and driven down to Dorset on the back of a 4×4, an experience in itself! We are very grateful to Steve and Gill for this very kind gesture and look forward to achieving great things with the kiln. Click here to find out more.

Steve and Gill Betts with Kathy at the handover of the kiln in Ast wood, Ledbury