We are looking for a team of experts and trainees, amateurs and professionals, to join us for our second weekend of surveying and recording in this beautiful but under-recorded area of Dorset. If you have an expertise in a particular field, would you join us for this weekend either as a resident or on a non-residential basis?
We would also like to attract other participants with an interest in but not necessarily great knowledge of one or more of the target groups – the combination of experts and learners will enable us to accumulate more records for the area and at the same time help the learners build up their experience and id skills. See our events page for more detail.
A comprehensive survey of this land was carried out between 2006 and 2010 and we held our first weekend event last year which was a great success. The owners and the forester responsible for Chedington Woods are very keen to continue this on a regular basis to establish a public database of information about the site to inform the management of the woodland and the farmland. Altogether this is a very large area if Whitevine Farm and the several other adjacent farms are included (now under the same ownership), so we will be concentrating on certain compartments, particularly those not covered in 2018.
Some of the results of previous survey work here are shown on the EuCAN website: http://www.eucan.org.uk/previous-years/2018-2/ (scroll down), including the spreadsheet of records from last year’s weekend.
Further information about this weekend can be found on this document – accommodation, catering arrangements, cost etc. and a booking form can be downloaded here.