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Cerne Valley Group now in year 5 of the project

The EuCAN Cerne Valley Community Landscape Project is now in its fifth year, working on the downs along the Cerne Valley to connect up the valuable wildlife habitats which are so characteristic of this area of Dorset. This project has been funded since its inception by the Patsy Wood Trust; it has allowed us to make huge improvements to the chalk habitats and to give opportunities to a large number of people from this area of Dorset – and beyond – to get out into the countryside to learn new skills, meet new people and to benefit enormously in terms of physical and mental health and self-esteem. With further funding from a private donor and a contract from Butterfly Conservation, we have been able to work in more areas on the slopes north of the Cerne Giant and to re-cut scrub regrowth on the sites we have worked on in previous years.

To see this year’s photos by Jane Tearle click here .

We meet every Thursday between September and March and are always on the look-out for further volunteers!