EuCAN is holding a packed weekend of activities as a reunion for participants on previous placements, to offer further training opportunities, and to help raise funds for our training courses, green therapy work and conservation projects.
Cerne Abbas is a beautiful village in central Dorset within easy reach of Dorchester and Sherborne rail stations. It is renowned for its rude man, once believed to be a Romano-British fertility symbol but now suspected to be a more recent cartoon, perhaps of Oliver Cromwell. Cerne was the site of an all-powerful Abbey which was founded in 989 and which held large areas of land in the area. The surrounding chalk downland is exceptionally rich with a huge range of wildflowers and several rare species of butterflies.
As well as walks and talks and several training courses, there will be a Goulash BBQ evening on the Friday and a Barn Dance on the Saturday night. We will also be holding a Cake and Book sale in the Village Hall on Saturday 11th – so please get baking! and dig out any books you can bear to part with (particularly, though not exclusively, natural history books).
There will be a Red Cross Basic First Aid course on Friday May 10th and a Brushcutter training course on Monday May 13th. These must be booked in advance.
And in order to develop our scything skills and eventually, we hope, to set up a EuCAN scything group, we are running an informal scything session on the Sunday afternoon – we hope as many people as possible who purchased our Transylvanian scythes and rakes last year will bring their tools over and join in. We also have a set of 6 for people to practise with.
We are hoping to make this weekend a great success so please tell your friends – for information about all the activities and events planned for this weekend click here;
Cerne weekend flyer May 10-13 2013 pp1,4
Cerne weekend flyer May 10-13 2013 pp2-3
The booking and payment form for the Giant weekend Get-together can be found here
Better still, email the link to this page to your friends to invite them to join in, and print out the PDFs to give out!