
News from some of our past participants.

Tom Heenan

Tom Heenan
I took part in the March 2010 EuCAN visit to Hungary, which gave me some fantastic experience after graduating from University. Since then I have had a number of voluntary and paid positions in the environmental sector and pursued my interest in nature photography (click here for a link to my website). I am currently working as a Ranger for Essex County Council. You can read occasional updates from me on my blog .


Steve Langhorn

Steve Langhorn

I was one of the volunteers helping out at La Brenne in France in February 2009. I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 weeks: having the companionship of others, getting stuck in to some serious scrub clearance work, but also gaining an awful lot from the cultural experience of simply being in that isolated, friendly, atmospheric part of France. I came away feeling reinvigorated, and that it had been of great personal benefit to me and to others in the team.

Steve Betts

Steve Betts

Back at home I have continued working with Herefordshire Bat Group in Ast Wood where we have carried out two more Winter surveys of our approx. 40 bat boxes – with very encouraging results for Long Eared Bats ie the highest recorded numbers in any wood yet surveyed in Herefordshire. In addition we have erected 9 Woodcrete boxes which were given to us by the Bat Group in recognition of our efforts.

Ruth Doyle

Ruth Doyle

Since returning from the Czech Republic I have been trying to create a butterfly garden at home planting different types of flowers that attract butterflies/moths. In the summer I will be visiting the local country park for a bat & moth evening which I am looking forward to!

Nicky Simpson

Nicky Simpson

After participating in the EuCAN programme, I continued with my job as a Community and Education Officer with The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country. I have recently left this job to spend 12 months travelling and working on conservation projects around the world, including turtle conservation in Mexico and practical conservation on reserves on the Galapagos.

Nic Shearer

Nic Shearer

Following my amazing trip to La Brenne, I am now a regular volunteer with the Essex Wildlife Trust and am studying Conservation & Environment at Writtle College. The EuCAN trip focused my passion for nature and gave me the practical skills and confidence I needed to take the first step into my new life!

Monique Hustinx

Monique Hustinx

After visiting Eastern Poland in Autumn 2009, I continued my work as Reserve Manager for Natural England in Wiltshire. The visit to Poland, and frequent visits to my native Netherlands made me more aware of conservation challenges abroad. It has boosted my enthusiasm to keep learning and to get more involved with a variety of conservation projects nearer to home.

Mary-Anne Collis

Mary-Anne Collis

I am a conservation biologist, about to start a PhD in Darwin, Australia, investigating the impact of feral cats on small mammal populations. EuCAN in La Brenne, France, was fantastic and helped me understand the world of conservation from an entirely different angle.

Martin Kelly

Martin Kelly

I have been working in Bristol for an environmental and social think-and-do tank called the Schumacher Institute. I’m a research assistant and am currently working on facilitating relationships between different communities in the city.

Mark Coyne

Mark Coyne

Since participating in the Eucan project I have continued working on small environmental projects in the UK and have now finished my degree in Applied Zoology. The work gave me an invaluable insight into the culture another country and the environmental issues faced elsewhere as well as meeting some lovely people. The commitment and enthusiasm shown by our counterparts and the local people was a real tonic and I got the feeling not only of having carried out some worthwhile environmental work but to having contributed to raising the profile for, and support of, environmental awareness and conservation. Very worthwhile.

Laura Sanderson

Laura Sanderson

Following my Poland trip in August 2009 I have worked on a game reserve in Namibia for two months and volunteered at some local woods and on Brownsea Island. I am also undertaking regular monitoring for otters with my local mammal group. I have just started a new job working as an Ecologist at the renewable electricity company Ecotricity.

Jonathon Bradley

Jonathon Bradley

Since my 2009 Aggtelek trip, I continue to run Verdant Ecology – mostly bat work but anything from tree surveys in the gardens of little old ladies to ecology lead on a multi-billion pound project to build an energy-from-waste scheme in a nature reserve! I am still involved in eco-tourism and even popped in to see the EuCAN lot in Zdanice in 2010.

Joe Middleton

Joe Middleton

Since my trip to Hungary in 2010, I continue to work at Avon Wildlife Trust as one of the Nature Reserves Managers, and I now study and carry out butterfly surveys across the area. I even taught a couple of Butterfly ID and ecology training days for staff and volunteers at Avon Wildlife Trust, including how to carry out transects and surveys, how to identify British species and their ecology and foodplants etc. The trip and the training weekends have taught me an incredible amount and has started a new passion and enthusiasm for butterfly and moth conservation.

Joe Goodson

Joe Goodson

Since working with EuCAN, I have been made manager of the Dominos I worked at, quit that job and moved to Reading. I am now starting a 12 month voluntary placement with the Berks Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust as a conservation officer. I have the experience in Poland to thank for both the path I am taking and the opportunities I have been offered, as well as the memories of course!

Jitesh Patel

Jitesh Patel
Since visiting Belgium with Eucan I have continued to do work on orchards, and keep a blog about my own orchard called my-orchard-diary.

Jenny Sherwen

Jenny Sherwen

I travelled to Aggtelek in Hungary with EuCAN in March 2010. This was an amazing opportunity and I made brilliant friends who have inspired me and kept me determined to be employed in wildlife conservation. Since my involvement with EuCAN I have worked on ecological surveys for the Lulworth Estate and volunteered with IgoMANGO on the Sharpham Estate in Devon.

This year I was lucky to win funding from Vodafone World of Difference for a 2 month project with Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust. I am soon to start a role with HMWT as Community Nature Reserves Officer for a new wetland reserve in the Stort Valley.

I continue to be involved locally with Butterfly Conservation. Last year I walked a local transect and this year I aim to walk areas in the county which are under recorded or have no records. I am also helping to set up community engagement projects and manage social media for my local branch.

James Maher

James Maher

After volunteering as a ranger at Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door, I worked as a recycling advisor for the New Forest District Council. I am currently working for the Environment Agency promoting the work that they do.

Heather Brown

Heather Brown

Since visiting Eastern Poland I have continued to develop my interest in conservation volunteering. I have helped to clear scrub at several butterfly reserves in Somerset and Dorset and volunteered with the local bird ringing group.

I work with children, young people and families in the outdoor environment. I am currently building links with Polish and other Eastern European communities in and around the Yeovil area, with the hope that they will become more involved in conservation and outdoor learning.

George Cottam

George Cottam

I continue as warden of Brampton Wood in Cambridgeshire, where monitoring and improving the habitat of our three endangered species – Great Crested Newts, Black Hairstreak Butterflies and Hazel Dormice – takes up a lot of the time, in between managing 330 acres of ancient woodland, an island in a sea of intensive arable agriculture.

David Norfolk

David Norfolk

After returning from Hungary, I continued to work for an ecological consultancy in Oxfordshire. I then decided to go back to university where for the past 12 months I have been carrying research on an endangered weaver bird following three months based on Rodrigues Island in the Indian Ocean. I’m currently pursuing consultancy work in East Anglia and conducting surveys for the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Welney.

Daniel Greenwood

Daniel Greenwood
Since joining EuCAN on an amazing trip to northern Spain and Los Picos de Europa I have interned as London Wildlife Trust’s Volunteer Coordinator and continued sessional and voluntary work with the Trust. I am a committee member and workday leader with the Friends of One Tree Hill in south-east London, conducting wildlife surveys and education sessions, establishing a butterfly transect and managing one of London’s many secondary woodland fragments for wildlife. I work part-time for the Bankside Open Spaces Trust helping to improve community gardens for residents and educate about wildlife in London.Every now and then I need to escape the capital and have WWOOFed in Norfolk in 2012 and in Dorset in 2011 when I attended my first Kingcombe weekend. I aim to continue helping EuCAN and to learn from all the wonderful people involved as the organisation progresses.I continue to be fascinated by the behaviour of Fringilla coelebs and have still not yet seen Oriolus oriolus.
see Daniel’s photos from his 2014 visit to Bavaria here and Bohemia – Sumava National Park and other places in the region – here.
His photos from his two recent visits to our partners in South Moravia are on this page.

Anne Roberts

Anne Roberts

Since my visit to La Brenne, I have continued with seasonal posts as a Ranger at Stover Park in Devon, leading education activities for schools and undertaking practical habitat management work. I also volunteer through various local wildlife organisations – this year I have been particularly busy helping with bat surveys, radiotracking and bat-box checks which I have thoroughly enjoyed.

Anna Guzzo

Anna Guzzo

Since my visit to Czech Republic I have continued to work with London Wildlife Trust, and am now enjoying my exciting new role as Kempton Nature Reserve Manager. The brushcutter licence and practical experience gained as a result of my EuCAN visit has certainly helped my career in nature conservation progress.

Andrew Taylor

Andrew Taylor

I have been working for the RSPB with stone-curlews in Wessex.

Amy Curtis

Amy Curtis

At Centre 404 our building refurb has finally started after 3 years of fundraising so I am managing that, it all seems to be going well so far which is great, we move back in in May hopefully. We have some lovely garden projects running at the moment, a new mobile garden project is up and running whilst our garden is out of use, where our users/volunteers go to visit others with a learning disability in their homes to install and maintain window boxes and pots, it helps reduce isolation and build friendships and we have some really keen gardeners involved they are all learning so much, so that makes me happy. Here is a link to our latest newsletter, the last page shows some of our gardeners in action!

Alex Bush

Alex Bush

After working with Butterfly Conservation and EuCAN in Poland I decided I wanted more involvement in conservation, and with better weather! So I have moved to Sydney to do a PhD focusing on the diversity and conservation of freshwater insects. And while I study I have volunteered for the local Bushcare group to battle invasive species in the local national park.